Thursday, March 11, 2010

Our Cutie Pies

Valerie our babysitter took some new pictures of the kids to mark Madelyn's 3rd birthday and Wilson's 9 month birthday. They are starting to look so much older and it is hard to believe that in just a couple short months Wilson will be turning ONE YEAR OLD!!!

Wilson is experimenting with walking a little bit, but still no crawling. He is determined to do it in his own time. I think he is going to walk and then figure out how to crawl! For now he is very happy following his sister around in his walker and sucking on his binky. He is now a binky lover and since he cries anytime I walk two feet away from him, the binky is a lifesaver right now. We will deal with getting rid of it later, for now we are doing just fine with it!

Monday, March 01, 2010

So tired of snow!

Thanks Aunt Diney for our matching outfits!

Wilson just hanging out with Dad and his binky.

They look so happy, but Wilson already knows that he is going to end up on the ground very soon.

"Helping" Mom in the kitchen

Yet another time when Wilson isn't so sure about his safety while being held by Madelyn. There seems to be a common theme.

We are so tired of snow around here! It seems like I can't even remember the last time that we didn't have snow. Almost every other day we seem to get snow flurries or freezing rain. I am just ready for Spring to get here and the winter to be a thing of the past.

Well here's a few pictures of what we have been doing, hanging out INSIDE! Wilson isn't mobile just yet, but he can sort of drag himself along the floor when he wants to. His true love is standing and cruising along the couch, until he lets go and falls. He is a true boy and we love the active little boy he is becoming everyday.

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker