Monday, November 09, 2009

6 Months Old

Welcome to the World Wilson! May 3, 2009

Just minutes after being born.

Just minutes after eating. See the smile, he loves to eat.

Practicing up on his singing.

It's very hard to believe that Wilson is already 6 months old!! He is a fun baby most days, but he is getting teeth and they tend to make him crabby. Somehow his big sister always gets a smile to come to his face even is she is laying on top of him.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Trick or Treat

Wilson actually enjoying his costume.

Madelyn and Daddy craving her pumpkin.

Mommy and the little pea in a pod

True Sisterly Love

Madelyn with her mask that she made at the Library Halloween Party.

We had fun Trick-orTreating this year even if we only went to a few houses. The weather was nice until the sun went down and then it got cold very fast. Wilson made it to about 3 houses and he and Daddy went back home to hand out candy. After Madelyn and I got back we finished handing out candy in about 45 minutes. Next year we will need to purchase more candy.
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker